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tv   [untitled]    July 27, 2012 1:00am-1:30am EDT

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fighting ranges in syria's key city of aleppo and made some calls for humanitarian corridors moscow says the violence was stemming from foreign support the rebels. the world's top whistleblower might not need to go to sweden after all that is stop palm agrees to ecuador has offered to question julian assault and its london embassy instead. and with the olympic summer spectacle only hours away it's corporate giants left grabbing the gold with people fleeing london's traffic jams and political controversies. hello and welcome to our tea it's not o'clock here in moscow you're with me today i'm karen taro well in almost
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a week long battle for syria's city of aleppo looks to be entering its final stages syrian opposition fighters are amassing ammunition and medical supplies while government troops say they're preparing to halt their offensive some states are calling for humanitarian corridors to be set up but moscow says that's impossible amid the violence which is being fueled by the foreign backing of the rebels parties oksana boyko reports from syria. the efforts to put an end to violence in syria or on the country to stoke tensions in this country that depends on your worldview or worse still continue just a few days ago the arab league has called for an emergency meeting of the un general assembly to discuss this devilish meant a humanitarian corridors now in theory the square there should alleviate human suffering and allow for the safe passage of humanitarian workers and refugees but in practice when you look at the map of syria it is surrounded by the countries that are being used to smuggle weapons for the free syrian army we are talking
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about turkey lebanon on iraq possibly even jordan just a few days ago the reuters news agency published the story quoting an f.s.a. officer who was boasting about new deliveries of rocket propelled grenades katyusha rockets and missiles on the top of that refugee camps on the border with these countries are being used as a recruitment grounds for the syrian opposition my colleague my or your financial trouble to one of them on the lebanese border just a few days ago and she says that people who run these camps make no secret that they provide humanitarian assistance only to the f.s.a. sympathizers so in this context it's hardly surprising that the syrian authorities reject the idea of humanitarian corridors they believe that all these humanitarian talk is here and not their efforts to give a strategic military advantage to the other side also effects such corridors were
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established the syrian government would automatically cede control over a certain parts of its turn tree and they believe that it would seriously undermine their efforts to fight against terrorism now russia does sides with syria on this issue russian foreign minister sergei lavrov ruled out the idea of humanitarian corridors indic current circumstances when certain countries openly supply arms for the. syrian opposition or acquiesce to that territory being used smuggling to get rough also sad that if the west and its regional allies were truly interested in putting an end to violence and stopping platic they should first start arming the free syrian army government consultant christopher horse told who's been to syria recently believes despite rubble fighters being armed by their arab and western backers to lose the fight for aleppo the attack on damascus was pushed back very successfully there are now seeing the house chick's in the masters going on by the
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army by the government. and what we have in aleppo is of course a fight for the mean production in trade center that is very serious for the survival of the government and as for now i'm quite confident the pushing back of the insurgents come terrorists will be successful but we had an influx of one to two times ten thousand fighters from i would say syria into syria mainly from jordan and lebanon recently and these fighters have made their way. because we have a leading group of small. attack teams very highly trained obviously and to my best guess who is a secret service background sponsored by the usa. still have for you this hour a war for some show time for others. really something that you want to see some oh
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i know weeks we're you know we might not be present but there isn't a threat shouldn't do see the fear that that you people comprise the media we were born why a vantage point on the israeli border with syria has become a tourist mecca for people armed with binoculars and camera. criminals no more the u.s. could make a u. turn on its attitude to hackers and start involving them in matters of national security as we reported a few minutes here on our team. well there is a glimmer of hope for a whistleblower julian a song after news that a long time demand he's been making which he believes will help refute allegations against him could now be met me at one door and embassy in london where he's currently taking refuge so swedish authorities are welcome to come over to question a songe over sex crime allegations the south american country is currently said to
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be seeking assurances from all parties as to the wiki leaks editor's final destination if extradited from the u.k. a songe fears if handed to stop home will end up in the u.s. which wants him over the release of classified diplomatic cables by his website wiki leaks ecuador says it will decide on whether to grant asylum after the london olympics which ends on august twelfth michael ratner a legal advisor to both julian assange and wiki leaks says ecuador does offer hope to a song. that's positive in two respects it's positive because julian assange made a choice not to go to sweden because he knew in sweden he would be put in prison. not given bail and that it was more likely than not that my view of the american lawyer for julian so much that it was almost one hundred percent that he was going to be indicted and extradited to the united states. never getting out of a group so the fact that he might be able to do what he has been demanding for
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almost two years which is to be question london about these allegations would be a major step because it means he could answer questions so it's a major positive development it's one that julian assange has been demanding for a long time but despite that demands we refused to go in the second respect i think our hope is that when you even gets an opportunity. the circumstances. that sweden westerns him that he would be exonerated of these allegations and that would be the end of it he should be a one person of all that the united states is going after him that you know i'm a man who should be protected by our constitution and the first amendment why if the united states gets its hands on would be put into an underground prison and treated cruelly like bradley manning was treated the man who allegedly got access to the documents so he's obviously very worried about that situation and very angry that the united states is wanting to suppress what probably one of the major truth
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tellers in the world today. all eyes will be on london later today when the olympics extravaganza kicks off the athletes and spectators have arrived but the preparations for the games have been plagued by countless security traffic and political problems the british prime minister claims the country can deliver many among the public will seem to disagree as artist laura smith reports. it's been seven years in the making and the greatest show on earth is finally kicking off in london but no everyone's please this has come to town in fact according to research by currency exchange travelex london is a fleeing best city in this people are saying specifically they want to to avoid the lympics you know they look at the streets and they look at the congestion and they look at the charges that it might be putting. so they have taken the decision
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to go or a third of people traveling this summer will head off during the games but for those who stay behind it will be a television only affair millions ended up disappointed in the public lottery to get tickets and it's recently been revealed that hundreds of thousands of tickets returned by foreign elim pick committees are being privately sold to corporate sponsors it's provoked outrage but not surprised because of gone to not only the corporate sponsors but big corporate. backers in general is an inevitable result of the way the game is it done primarily for the interests of the rich and the olympics i'm afraid are just the epitome of some of the worst things in the world the removal of resources from poor people and giving it to rich people carry a strap and station that can be no doubt what's going on the whole place is branded london twenty twelve i'm also surrounded by massive billboards on every building there's an advertisement for one of the main corporate sponsors b.m.w. lloyds t.s.b.
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but over here is the stratford that always was struck. it's full of independent traders who've come up against the big corporate sponsors unlike rich corporates local stallholders aren't allowed to capitalize on this world class event in their hometown edict from the brand police mean they can't even use words like a limb pick summer or gold in their advertising any games related merchandise must be official and according to stall holder darell that's not easy it's too much for rich we really small businesses we call open accounts with huge companies and that's one x. amount of. you know which we really small business which i would love to but. it's created an uneasy relationship between locals. the games with the corporate monster is such that it's given
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a sort of negativity to the games itself which is just a sporting event so what's alone who people are a bit upset i'm not particularly positive to look a this is really odd to see structures with being covered and coated with corporate sponsorship so from that point of view i don't like it despite the much vaunted olympic spirit it turns out the great is show water isn't for everyone while the fat cats sit back and watch the limping cash raised in the london as the streets seize up because of special olympic traffic lanes and their commuter trains grinds to a halt as they route the day the games picked their city the first thing i did when i. was sent an email to one of my good friends in paris and congratulations laura smith forty london. making had online tarty dot com to find out it's not only
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london getting into the action on the games today india is also holding a special kind of a one picks. victims of the world's biggest chemical spill are staging an event and protest at the fact one of the sponsors of the london games is connected to the company responsible for the accident back in the 1980's. and the pentagon says the biggest conventional bomb ever is ready for use to wreak destruction up on the enemies of the u.s. more details at r.t. dot com. download the official r.t. application so choose your language stream quality and enjoy your favorites from our. t.v. is not required to watch artsy all you need is your mobile device to watch r.t. any time.
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thirty minutes past the hour and hundreds of human fetuses found in a forest in central russia may have been removed from a local medical university place are questioning a researcher who worked with the fetus says a scientist however was fired last year and there's speculation she could have taken the material with her artist thomas reports right now the investigation is focused on two parts first how did these four plastic containers containing two hundred forty eight fetuses end up in the woods about seventy kilometers north of why and where did these fetuses come from the possible explanation is legal scientific research we do know that all of the fetuses that are in question here were terminated between twenty two and twenty six weeks this is well past of the twelve week mark which is considered legal abortion in russia after twenty two weeks of women can only have an abortion only for medical necessary reasons so is
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this is illegal abortion operation or is this scientific research no one really knows they're trying to get to the bottom of that we talked to one medical doctor this is what they had to say about the subject. some sort of organs were removed from fetuses to extract instances that theoretically can be used to reach people there was a criminal case in ukraine who want to go. into terminating pregnancies quite late to extract this issue for rejuvenating purposes there is one woman who was in charge of some scientific research in the area she was terminated two thousand and eleven police are looking to see if she had taken some of the material she was working with with her when she left and if this could possibly be that material now there are some other disturbing theories saying that illegal scientific research could be behind this find as well in fact this is what one medical expert says on the subject. it may sound
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a bit contrasting but these fetuses could have been the product of cloning. despite its universal ban and that's why they were thrown out like that these were not future human beings but how few men to fish with creatures it's a very daring theory with these might have schools have been the product of miscarriages the fetuses could have been thrown out on purpose to create scandal and attract attention maybe attract attention to the ban on cloning humans. to shock people with the science of these speeches as we've been tracking this story from the very beginning following the developments in the feedback that we're getting is that it touches at the very core of what people believe in so it's a controversial story that has shocked many people around the world of course will be continuing to follow developments online at r.t. and here on the screen as well as they become available. the u.s. could start actively engaging harker's in matters of national security i reports surfaced after it was confirmed america surveillance chief is due to attend the largest annual hacker gathering in las vegas and that could represent a major u.
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turn on the u.s. government's approach to cyber warfare as artist marina explains over the past two years the f.b.i. has arrested and jailed dozens of a legit how kurz and or whistleblowers in connection to groups like wiki leaks. anonymous and the file sharing site megaupload but in addition to prosecuting master hackers it appears as though the u.s. government may soon begin aggressively recruiting them now one indication that many are pointing to is the fact that the head of the u.s. national security agency general keith alexander is expected to speak at the def con conference in las vegas now this event is considered to be the world's largest gathering of how cars and so-called computer geeks in this year an estimated fifteen thousand people are expected to show up general alexander's attendance at
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def con marks the first. time america's top surveillance chief would be participating in this event since it began two decades ago but today in an air of cyber warfare many experts believe that washington may soon begin point the same people that they've been jailing if it means that the u.s. government stands to benefit from having hackers on team usa reporting from new york. r.t. . now to some other stories making international headlines police in tunisia fired warning shots and tear gas at protesters who attacked a provincial government headquarters angry over poor living conditions demonstrators also tried to set fire to the local office of the ruling islamised party after bursting into it last year the country's long time dictator was driven from power by a revolt which sparked the arab spring. unidentified gunmen have attacked
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riot police in the south east of tajikistan wounding four earlier government troops launched an offensive against militants in the area killing thirty and capturing forty eight after which a cease fire was announced and talks began the mountain region is still volatile fifteen years after a civil war and a scene heavy fighting between government troops and militants loyal to a former warlord. thousands of people have rallied in the remaining capital book goodish in support of the president who is facing an impeachment referendum on sunday that i am but so schools workers and believe his opponents are trying to seize control of european union funds however his rivals are claiming the president was meddling in the government business the political turmoil began after a new opposition premier came to power in may following the collapse of two pro assess two governments the raging conflict in syria is not just of interest to
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politicians and journalists it seems but also to tourists in israel thousands have been flocking to the border for what they're calling a must see event but as artist paula slayer reports what's pain and heartache for some is little more than a photo opportunity for others. up close and personal you don't get to ringside seats to this is the israeli syrian border and it's now also the latest israeli truce to traction. feels good to be able to get close to it a little bit and besides seeing only the items on television i was actually thrilled to come here today and to syria to realize that with only a few kilometers and a country unfortunately there are hundreds of people being killed every day it's the perfect spot it seems for war voices keen on getting a glimpse of syrians killing each other all from a safe vantage point the only hard way they carry binoculars and cameras you rely
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on our armed forces that this is. the situation and they take all the precautions and so i feel i feel very safe you see both his family to see where he fought against the syrians nearly fifty years ago the border areas which could erupt again as the free syrian army takes on assad forces near israel but for now it's good business and tour guides are making a killing it's really something that you want to see some oh i know it's war in order might not be pleasant but there is an attraction to see the thing that actually occupies the media now it's like you feel you are in the center of stuff the fed was sparked when israeli defense minister who came to see for himself what was going on. here in the border with real fighting in syria and you can hear more than. one kilometer from the border. of. whose cut and couldn't wait to
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get the jewish parents fled syria in the early fifty's. this visit is a dream come true it's like the motion because my parents the air and they need that daily bury these are the people and that's why when. some two groups are now thinking of including the syrian waste on a list of must see excursions they may be day trips now but disasters on the horizon should the fighting get closer and tell of if choose to get involved. on these raids syrian border. maritime to cross over to our business desk as following the markets for us and people salary is apparently a summary now what do we all have to do in order to earn five million euro else well you need to at least know how to play football how to instruct others how to put it there so i reveal the secret a little bit later first i want to start with which formally looks at our put in the lead on of course the oil spill in mexico and what i mean by that is that the
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company is finally in talks to finalize the deal with the u.s. authorities to basically end all civil and criminal claims this is apparently worth seven billion dollars but as art is that your bottle explains it might take a little bit more than put a line under such natural disasters. this is turning into a huge costly concern for the industry scientists here at the institute of oil are trying to find a way to contain what's become an ecological and publicized. russia spill six b.p. disasters a year from its point there's one report that's more than any other country even volatile nigeria the african superpowers just point show for its biggest spill in a decade two years after the world's largest offshore disaster b.p. is nearing a deal to settle all outstanding claims but fishermen affected say it's impossible to count how much and how long it will continue to be hit fish of the coast of
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louisiana being born with disease and missing in the gulf six times more dolphins than usual still during this week is the second anniversary of the costliest on shore oil spill in u.s. history protesters shouted we are the color of the eight hundred thousand gallons of crude spilled into the river people so they'll no longer put up with the damage to their health from polluted learned water but with. feeling stocks of crude it seems the conflict will only get worse then you will. find us like a crude prices which are going back up and that's after sun signaling that there is growth in the u.s. of course the biggest consumer of all of the oil right now and also we know it's after the european central bank said that the euro will survive that was a prediction by the head there and there we see that lights where they said in just
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under ninety dollars per barrel and that red line just under one hundred and six dollars if we move on and take a look at how asia is performing the only markets though trading right now as for the wash markets open in just a second here is there particularly well adding over one percent both the nikkei and the high side and there we had good results profit results by south korean companies samson electronics that's helping to set spread across the board and also it's tracking overseas gains that we saw of course on thursday if you want to take a look at currencies the euro is still flat against the u.s. dollar when it comes to the ruble again against both major currencies on thursday i'll give you the updated figures from the russian markets open i would give you the update in an hour but the actual markets will open in a half an hour from now let's take a look at how thursday session why the all we saw gains as i said across the board here as well mainly because food prices are going back up as you said earlier which is of course a great boost for russian investors they're both the r.t.s. out of almost two and a half percent and the my six out of over one percent now let's move on take
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a look at all the news stories in europe in the u.k. in particular which has now topped the list of countries exposed to that crisis in europe and your research says a relies too much on exports to the continent and europe's banking system also there's little britain can do if you have collapses and that's because of strict austerity measures and the fall in the u.k. in this list as you can see there are poland hungary and the czech republic. and many believe that the summer olympic games could help them get back on track but sadly historically they almost always leave their holes then cancel their financial troubles. billions to make the two thousand and four devs a success but now its economy is collapsing one positive thing about the olympics is that it increases a foreign trade by an average of three per cent. and that started to reveal who will be getting five million euros that is of course fabio capello the coas of the arsenal football team the national of course the italian man has signed
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a contract and our team is calling bray explains what that entails. it. was already considering early retirement when he signed up as england coach in two thousand and seven but this year he got an offer he couldn't refuse the russian football union hasn't revealed it simply says it's less than what dick advocaat aren't but commentators say it's a salary to envy. for two years away from good peter and candy it's estimated capello will earn more than five million euros let's compare that to euro twenty twelve record the most expensive national team coach cost just three million besides the lucky italian will reportedly have lower taxes as he's going to pay them in russia his two predecessors paid the dutch tax man which almost half of their final incomes russia began to splash the cash on forty coaches six years ago
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that's when the football union dissatisfied with homegrown talent or the lack thereof invited good hiddink thanks to the generous sponsorship of rome and i would remove it here and seven million dollars in just a year and a half in return he led russia to the last four in euro two thousand and eight but hiddink failed to repeat the success of his fellow dutchman and successor dick advocaat also lacked inspiration it said national teams are not the place to make money the. a platform to make a name for yourself fabio capello has already done but he's still clearly got his eyes on the prize a fat paycheck. now hours after the deal vladimir putin called russia's sports club supplying some sense into them what i mean by that he tried to convince them that astronomic salaries are little to success and in fact they damaged overseas markets well all i have to say is i want to learn how to play football. because i would like to have to salary i'm sure you'd be wonderful and.
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thanks for that update now up next an update on our top stories that's in a few minutes stay with us. well with a. grin more mouths to feed but where will the food come from can science provide the answers the future of under the microscope. we've got the future.
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the sky. slow. motion and lines.


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